A Life planned out before it’s been lived – Stop & Breathe

Life can be so unpredictable. When you were younger, did you ever have a life plan? I know I did. I was going to be earning around £30,000 by 25, engaged by 24, buy a house by 25, married and had my first baby by 28/29. Did any of those happen to that timeline? No.

What really happened?

We got engaged and bought a house in 2019 aged 28. I realised that I could afford to do this on what I was earning and that I shouldn’t hold back my future for the sake of a job promotion. Sometimes in life, we can blame other scenarios as to why we aren’t where we ideally want to be, but why? Pressure? Childhood trauma?

You are your worst enemy

Putting pressure on yourself to fit the ideal picture of life. If you have ever experienced anxiety or depression you will know that voice inside your head isn’t always very kind. It can be bad enough hearing negativity you don’t want to hear, but to have those insecurities breathing down your neck 24/7 can be mentally draining. There is no set age for things to happen, you will get there when you get there.

How do I try to overcome this?

Making smaller goals – Doing this is helps an overactive brain see smaller achievements sooner than waiting for the end goal. Breaking it down helps to relax more, feel less stressed and takes a lot more pressure off. i find this works very well for myself.

Find the motivation that drives you to be a better version of yourself. make sure you surround yourself with the right people who have the best intentions for you. Youtube has some amazing videos for motivational talks which can help hype you up on those days when you beat yourself down.


I use the Fitbit app on my phone to take 5 minutes out to calm when I feel my anxiety is peaking. I have suffered very badly in the past with anxiety and understand how your mindset can take you into a dangerous dark place. days you can cry and not know why or just feel sad and down in the dumps. It’s certainly nothing you can appreciate at the time no matter what you do.

However, if you are currently stuck in this rut I PROMISE you it does get better. You know how you are breathing right now? Yup, you are controlling this. You are AMAZING! Here’s some tips that worked for me.

Being open about your feelings

Speaking to a handful of people who understand you and you know will support you. If you know someone who has experience anxiety its easier to relate but sometimes all it takes is someone to just LISTEN.

Something better is coming for you

I do believe everything happens for a reason but that reason isn’t always clear. It can be very frustrating and unsettling when things are going a little south to what you expected, but, I try my best to keep my composure. It is ok to cry, get upset and express how you feel, Just do it to the right people. Not everyone will agree with your opinion, not everyone will hype you up and that’s ok.

A world of robots

Imagine if we all thought the same? The world would be so robotic. We have to learn from scenarios that don’t work out. There is always a lesson in everything that is on your path of life. Sometimes it just takes a little longer trying to understand which path to take

Remember, if you haven’t hit your personal goals just yet that’s ok. Take your time, break them down if you need too just don’t burn yourself out trying to get there before you need to.

Thanks for reading

S 🙌🏻

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